februar 2010

I dag hadde jeg lyst å lage snømann, så jeg fikk Tokki og Hugo til å være med, men når vi kom ut fant vi ut at snøen ikke var kram nok til å lage snømann D=
Det endte opp med at Tokki startet å lage en stor snøhaug, som jeg klappet hard (Dette var før Hugo kom..) også fant vi ut at vi kunne lage en snøbjørn =D

Today I was at school, working on the project with my group.

Tuesday going back to school, to work some more, and making sure i know the dates for my exams. Going to the movies later that night, to watch percy jackson & the olympians the lightning thief, with Therese, Tokki, Hugo and Christian.

Wednesday yet again working on the project

Thursday my birthday, going to clean my room, wash some clothes, and so on.

Friday, birthdayparty.. Which my best guy friend is dithcing, since his dad has birthday that day.. *sadface* But hopefuly we’ll have a great time anyway.

Saturdag, Ina is coming! Really looking forward to see her again, and spending a few days with her.

Sunday, spending some more time with Ina, no plans, just chilaxing.

This is so going to be a fun week! Just hanging with my friends having a good time =)

Ok, I’ve just been to England for the first time in my life, and it was bloody brilliant!

Ok, guys, I’m back from England and Wales now, i think i might wright about the trip to morrow, or the day after, but now I’m dead tired, so I’m going to bed soon. Just wanted you all to know that i’m safe and sound back in Norway, and that I had one of the best four days of my life over there. So totally going back someday! I LOVE ENGLAND AND WALES!